Tuesday 22 December 2009

Wishing you all a Magical Christmas and a Magical New Year

Well, this year we were granted a white christmas.
This might be Norway, but in Stavanger it doesn't snow that much.... Too close to the warm North Atlantic. Last white christmas was in 1995 ... I think..... (Update.. 2000 :-) )

All this snow fell in 1 night, and ever since there has been no more snow.. Some promises about snow tonight.... but seeing is believing... (I know.. sometimes... believing is seeing.. )

Lotte has had a great year.... as have we.... Doing well on school, working hard to keep up, making friends, understanding more and more social ways / rules..... She's catching up..

We see her grow in so many ways..
Want to share a "gross" one with you all... :-)
She's been a bit sick. "omgangs-syke" it's called. Stomach pains, diarea, vomiting.....
But the last one is handled like a champ. No panic, just a quick run to the toilet, and letting it go... Wonderful.... Some time ago she might have freaked out, but not any more.
Even last night - 02:00, I woke up and found her vomiting in the bathroom sink.... But no distress.. Just doing what comes natural..
Quick remark that "Daddy... you have to clean the floor and my bed" butotherwise, she just relaxed, laid down on the bathroom floor and waited for me to be finished.
Apart from the thorough wakeup on my side, there was no fuss... And when I had put on the new sheets, and a new cover... her lady-like remark was... "Good night daddy.."..
No... all's well in "Lotte-land"..

Otherwise, Lotte is enjoying the winter-wonder-land... It's magic, and especially just before it becomes dark, there's the "blĂ„-time". A couple of minutes where the world turns blue. It's magical, and I was thrilled to have captured that magic moment. The colours are as on the picture. No editing has been done.... Like I said... 5 minutes of magic..

And "magical" is the word to describe the journey that we are on with Lotte. Because it's magical to travel with this deaf girl that can hear. See how she does, see how she touches other people.. for the better, and see how she changes our lives... for the better.
It's magic to see her determination to succeed like others. And magic to see how she's putting on an act to get what she wants. She's a smart cookie, and will go far....

So, to all the parents out there I wish to say...
Enjoy the magic.. !! 

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(Some) Milestones

  • 2013-08: Grade 6
  • 2012-08: Grade 5
  • 2011-08: Grade 4
  • 2011-03: BTE's on the ear
  • 2010-08: Grade 3
  • 2009-08: Grade 2
  • 2008-08: Mainstream School (6y. old)
  • 2006-10: All-hearing Kindergarten (4y. old)
  • 2004-11-22: CI activated (27 m. old)
  • 2004-10-04: Bi-lateral CI (26 m. old)
  • 2003-08: Deaf/HOH/CI Pre-school/"DEAF" Kindergarten (12m. old)
  • 2003-07: HA's fitted (11 m. old)
  • 2003-06: Diagnosed deaf. Start sign-language (10m. old)
  • 2002-11: Suspicion loss of hearing (4 m. old)
  • 2002-08: Born - A fierce LION
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